Easy Rochester

Making Rochester Easy

The program is available to all schools. It is however, possible to add options that permit schools to address particular health concerns that are of concern to the community.

An institution that is situated in an area that has an asthma-related high rate could include the Asthma section in their SHI Assessment. The assessment asks about the policies of the school regarding asthma and practices, such as whether inhalers are available and if they are triggered by triggers including pollen, smoke or smoke. This course will enable the school to gain more knowledge about asthma-related policies and practices, and pinpoint areas where improvements are possible.

Schools can use the SHI along with these modules. It is also an option for schools to analyze the policy and practice of other non-school agencies that provide student services, like afterschool programmes, home health centers as well as other health care suppliers. Through collaboration with these agencies to implement the SHI schools will be able to ensure that children can access a continuous and accessible network of health tools and services that are available both in and out of school.


An additional aspect in the SHI is its emphasis on the issue of cultural and equity. The SHI contains a series of questions designed to assess the extent to which the school promotes equality and meeting the needs of all students, regardless of their race social class, ethnicity, or other factors. The SHI can be used by schools’ private offices to evaluate these issues.

The SHI contains questions on accessibility of interpreters and translation services for students who speak languages other than English or whether there are materials or sources in languages that are not English. If they can answer these questions, schools can get a better grasp of their work to improve equity and expertise and also identify issues they could be able to make improvements.

These are the examples:


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