Easy Rochester

Making Rochester Easy

Searching for a roofing contractor

Google has roofing contractors who are certified by Google.

* Google Maps help locate roofing contractors within their neighborhood.

The user can access the roofing services websites and check their reviews.

The Houston Area Roofing Contractors Association (HARCA) is a chapter of the National Roofing Association. The site lists all roofing contractors who are certified in the region It also allows one to extend the search by clicking here.

Some Additional Tips for Hiring a roofer

1. It is recommended to find an experienced roofing company in your area.

2. The roofing contractor should possess at the least three years’ expertise in the field of roofing.

3. License the roofing company.

4. The business should be covered by the liability insurance.

5. They must have certifications with credible ratings and good reviews.

6. Professional roofing companies that are reliable don’t only guide their customer through the procedure, but they will also teach him about the process instead of focusing on selling the services.


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